Example 1.
The Observation time is 24. The total Number of items is 15.

Input file contains 10 triads:
9 1 3
9 0 1
11 1 1
12 0 1
13 1 1
13 0 1
15 0 1
17 1 1
21 1 1
22 0 1

5 items were suspended at different times. Totally 7 components failed, 3 of them at time 9. The total number of items in the input file is 12, which is less than the input total number 15, therefore in this example 3 items were suspended in addition at the observation time 24.

Kaplan-Meier method is selected. The confidence level is calculated as two-sided with level 0.9 using Greenwood formula.

In the Table you can see Survival function values calculated for all event times as well as Upper (UCL) and Lower (LCL) confidence levels. The result of calculation also is shown in the diagram.


Calculation #1. Mon Feb 08 14:50:28 EST 2016

Entered number of components: 15
Ranking type is: Kaplan-Meier
Confidence level is: 90.0%

Non-parametric estimation:
TimeSurvival functionLCLUCL
9.0 0.8 0.6301203 0.6301203
11.0 0.72727275 0.5352834 0.91926205
13.0 0.64646465 0.4347386 0.85819066
17.0 0.53872055 0.2993382 0.7781029
21.0 0.43097642 0.18237841 0.67957443